sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Old is fashion. Not cool.

Tá na moda!!!!!!!!!!!!

Criatividade dos gringos

Mais um exemplo de criatividade. O cara recortou das revistas manobras em sequência e fez um vídeo "stop motion".
O resultado ficou bem legal.

Entrevista Luan Oliveira na Transworld

(trasnleiti iórselfi)
The technical wizardry of Luan Oliveira is nothing less than supernatural. And it doesn’t matter if his flip-in-flip-out powers are being unleashed in a video part or in a contest run. Now that the magnitude of his Extremely Sorry part has had time to sink in (with plenty of bangers still to spare), and he’s recently become the only skater to win Tampa Am two years in a row, we fired off some questions for Luan while he awaits the new year from his hometown of Porte Alegre, Brazil.

How’d it feel to win Tampa Am in 2008? Did you think you even had a chance at winning?
It feels really good. That was my first time in Tampa. No I didn’t know I’d have a chance. It was really hard for me ‘cause in Brazil the contests are not at that level.

You’re also the first skater to ever win Tampa Am twice. What’s the secret to putting together a solid contest run?
I just relax, just cruisin’ you know? I never go to the contest like, “I got to win this contest.” No way, f—k that.

Some of the tricks you do, most wouldn’t ever think were possible. Like the switch 180 five-0 big-spin flip out you did on the box in Tampa. What goes through your head when you’re putting together a trick as tech as that?
I try to do tricks that I’ve never seen in my life, you know? Like if I can do a switch 180 five-0 backside flip, why not bigspin flip? So everything goes like that—put two tricks together.

What’s more nerve wrecking? Skating in the finals of a contest or watching your video part at a premiere?
I think watching my video part at the premiere. F—k I don’t know, man. It’s kind of scary ‘cause maybe people will like your video part or maybe not, you know?

How long did it take you to film your part in Extremely Sorry? What did you think after it came out?
I was filming for two years, but sometimes I was in Brazil, so I didn’t have that time to film. The video is f—kin good! The best video I have seen in my life—the soundtrack, team, etc.

What trick took you the longest to land in your part?
F—k, man. I can’t remember right now. But I think my whole part I did quick.

Who came up with the idea for your intro? Have you been clearing the history on your Internet browser now?
I think Ewan [Bowman] had that idea. I was always on the computer talking to some friends and they said I was on the porn sites. Yes, I do clear the history, hahahaha.

What do you have planned for the next couple of months? What’s the next video project you’ll be working on?
My plan is to go back to Cali next year keep skating and filming for United By Fate.

What pros are your biggest influences? Who are the next up and coming ams?
Rodrigo TX for sure. He is f—kin amazing. He helped me out a lot to get on Flip. I think Andrew Langi is next to turn pro and Felipe Gustavo is the next up and coming am.

What’s different about skating in Brazil compared to the U.S.?
Brazil is good to stay with my girlfriend and my family, but not for skating. It’s too sketchy—the spots are not that good and weather is shit. The U.S. is good because you guys have so many spots, the weather is perfect to skate in, and there are perfect spots. But I still love Brazil. I love this country!

What’s different about the U.S. compared to Brazil as far as everyday life goes?
U.S. is like wake up, have breakfast, go on the Internet for a bit, go skate, and then go back and have a shower, go on the Internet for a bit again, and then go back to sleep. Brazil is not the same. It’s so different. It always has something different to do and it’s always fun.

You’re back in Brazil right now. How does it feel to go home after accomplishing so much?
It feels great. After a month and a half, I’ve gone back home to see my lady, family, and friends, and we will all celebrate together!

Dwayne em revista gringa

Cada vez mais considerado e respeitado lá fora, Dwaine Fagundes apareceu nessa sequencia de uma revista gringa.

domingo, 28 de março de 2010

Old is fashion. Not cool.

Eu postei alguns vídeos antigos aqui com a intenção de mostrar como era o skate na época aqui em Porto Alegre.
Acho importante o registro (até porque temos poucos) para que se entenda mais sobre a evolução do skate.
Não sou um defensor xiita do old school.
Comecei a andar de skate em 1984 e parei poucas vezes, por motivos de estudo, trabalho ou simplesmente a falta de material no mercado. Andava quando ninguém mais andava. Por isso, sofri preconceito da sociedade, amigos, família e muito ví o skate sendo propagandeado como coisa de vagabundo marginal. Isso pela mesma mídia que hoje ganha dinheiro usando o skate em propagandas, novelas e transmissões ao vivo.
O que era podre virou moda.
Isso é muito bom por um lado. Aquece o mercado, facilita a vida de que depende do skate para sobreviver e faz a evolução ser mais rápida, em todos os sentidos, na minha opinião.
Por outro lado, surgem pessoas com uma noção erronea do skate. Pessoas que desacreditaram e abandonaram o skate na década de 80 estão de volta. Pessoas que talvez nunca imaginaram que um dia iriam andar de skate, hoje andam. Compram um skate por que viram que ele está bonitinho na mídia e, consequentemente, aceito pela sociedade. Mas devido ao tempo que ficaram parados, devido à má informação que a mídia não especializada passa, não acompanharam a evolução. Não entendem e não se esforçam para entender o que está acontecendo na fase atual do skate. Então idolatram o passado para justificar a sua incapacidade de evolução física e/ou mental.
Resta esperar que essa moda passe e, sei lá, depois da moda dos pseudo hippies e dos pseudo skatistas, voltem os grunges, depois o hip hop, depois o gangsta rap, e asim continuemos evoluindo. (evoluindo?)